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Analysis of elements from hair (APV) - The health program is an examination of the state of nutrition of the body based on the number and ratio of elements in the hair.

This is a modern diagnostic method that allows the detection of the most important elements in the human body - 24 bioelements and 5 toxic elements. Hair reflects the biochemical state of the body, and unlike blood, it allows accurate determination of this state over a period of several weeks, not just a few hours.

Analysis of hair elements - The health program is recommended especially for people who have problems maintaining physical and mental balance, especially with reduced immunity. Analysis of elements from hair - The health program is used in the prevention of the health of adults and children (from 3 years old), as well as to support treatment and rehabilitation. It is most often performed for gastrological, hormonal, neurological, skin, heart disorders, as well as for disorders of the bone and joint system.

Analysis of elements from hair - The health program very effectively helps in the treatment of disorders: mental (including depression, bad reaction to stress), neurological (including MS, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, autism), skin (including psoriasis, albinism, hair loss, acne) , cardiology (including atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction) and bone and joint disorders (including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis).

Performance Analysis of elements from hair - The health program is recommended for people exposed to increased effort (physical or mental work, amateur sports), as well as professional athletes.

Thanks to the Analysis of Elements from Hair - Health Program, you can overcome problems with poor absorption and excretion (gastrological disorders), which will enable proper nutrition and natural detoxification of the organism.

The analysis can show the possibility of an adverse effect on the metabolism of toxic elements, and the supplementation program will help you get rid of them from the body.

By following the recommendations regarding diet and food supplements, which are given in the result of the analysis, you have a chance in the fight against chronic fatigue and weakness and in the treatment of obesity.

Analysis of elements from hair - The health program is intended for everyone who wants to consciously take care of their health - in prevention, and also as support during treatment and rehabilitation.


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